Children & The Family
Martin Luther once wrote, “Let everyone know that it is his duty, on peril of losing the divine favor, to bring up his children in the fear and knowledge of God above all things.” Passing on the faith to our children is serious business, and we make every effort at faith to bring up our kids “in the discipline and instruction of the Lord” (Ephesians 6.4). As a congregation, we do this by teaching the youth and also, and much more so, by equipping parents to catechize their children.
We seek to do this through Sunday School, “catechism conversations” in worship, and by providing parents with resources and models for instructing their children in the faith.
Sunday School
Sunday School is currently available for children ages 3-10 before worship each Sunday at 9 a.m. We use curriculum published by Concordia Publishing House, which links the lesson to the Scripture readings and the catechism.
Catechism Conversations
As part of our Sunday worship service, a selection is read from the Small Catechism, the brief handbook of the Christian faith prepared by Martin Luther nearly five hundred years ago. Its simple questions and answers are ideal for kids. During this “conversation,” children receive a brief lesson from the catechism–and parents receive a model for teaching the catechism to their children themselves!
Bringing Sunday Home
Each Sunday’s worship folder includes a list of Scripture readings and Psalms that may be used for personal and family devotions during the week. Also, a feature called “Kids in the Divine Service” explains a portion of the liturgy or Church Year and how it might be incorporated into home life.